September 2024 Newsletter




Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year!

We are so excited to kick off this school year. The teachers have so many wonderful things planned. I am equally excited to take on my new role as director of 4CCN. I am enjoying greeting everyone at the door each morning. Please introduce yourself. I am still learning everyone’s names.

The hallways have been filled with sounds of joy and tears. We are doing everything we can to make this transition for the children as smooth as possible. In just a few short weeks the children will be settled into their new routines.

I’d like to wish all of the families and staff a fantastic 2024-2025 school year!


Please check out all the staff bios on our website’s staff page.


4CCN has been fortunate to consistently retain staff from year to year. We are thrilled that they are part of our 4CCN family.

We have had some changes and movement from last year. Here is a list of who is where in 2024-2025:

This year we welcome back two staff members to 4CCN; Chela Bodden and Pia Chirinos.

We also welcome Bianca Chapman.

2’s MWF: Ashley Campbell & Buffy Stutz

2’s T/Th: Pia Chirinos & Buffy Stutz

3’s: Chela Bodden, Bianca Chapman, & Sara Robb

3’s: Sarah Jacobs, Katie Keach, & Sara Robb

4’s: Allison Nadelhaft & Kate Spigler

4’s: Alana Kravitz & Kathleen Ficco


4CCN has enrolled in a payment option through QuickBooks.

Each month, you will receive an invoice with an option of paying via bank transfer. You many also schedule payments with your bank to arrive by tuition due date or drop off a check. Tuition invoices are sent to emails on file on the 25th of each month (August – April). Payments are due by the 5th of the following month.

A $25.00/week late fee will be assessed for late payments.


We are so excited for our new Stay and Play program. The children enrolled are having a wonderful time playing with friends after school. Please remember that the playground must be cleared by 2 PM for our Stay and Play children. If you are interested in learning more about Stay and Play please drop into the office or email Jodi.


In the month of September, we will serve graham crackers and apple juice for the entire month. In October we will rotate snacks each week. Snack menus will be posted in the newsletter each month. If your son/daughter has an allergy, please make sure it is noted in your child’s health inventory and on their emergency form. You can also send Jodi an email.


We are fortunate to have a very large parking lot. You can enter the lot from two locations, one from University Blvd and a rear entrance from Eastwood Ave. There are other tenants who use the building and parking lot. Hold your children’s hands when walking through the parking lot. Never leave children unattended in your car while you drop off siblings. For the safety of all families and children, the first 4 parking spaces by the front door will be blocked. This includes parking in front of the playground. Cars backing up while families are entering and exiting is too dangerous. Please do not park on the outside of the yellow lines. We have many families entering and exiting, and blocking the traffic flow makes for a very dangerous parking lot.

The playground must be cleared by 2 PM for our Stay and Play children.

4CCN Substitutes

We are always looking for substitutes to fill in when a staff member needs a day off. If you are interested in substituting, please contact Jodi Siff for more information:

Scholastic Volunteer Needed

We are still looking for a volunteer to handle our Scholastic Book orders. This is a great way to help at 4CCN and help build our classroom libraries. Please email Jodi if you are interested in taking on this position. Last years chair will show you how the job works.

Email Communications

Some communication regarding upcoming events, emergency closings and general 4CCN happenings is made via email. If you have not been receiving emails regarding Open House and the start of school or you would like to be added to the list, please send me an email at

May 2024 Newsletter

May Dates:

Tuesday, May 14 – No School, Primary Election Day

Tuesday & Wednesday May 28 & 29 Last Day in Class Instruction

Friday, May 30 – Last Day of School, All School Picnic


The Last Day of School

The last day of the school year for in-person learning for the Tuesday/Thursday classes is Thursday, May 28th and for the MWF & 5-day classes, Wednesday, May 29th.  Our end of the year picnic is Thursday, May 30th at MLK park.


May Snacks

We will enjoy the following snacks this month; Graham crackers and juice, cookies and crackers and cleaning out the cupboard of snacks.  😊



Looking forward to September 2023

Returning families here are some dates for your calendar:

August 29th & August 31st – Get Acquainted Open House 9:15-10:15

September 2nd - Labor Day, No School

September 3rd – First Day of School



Openings Available

We still have openings available in our 3s & 4s programs. Please let your friends know about 4CCN.  Please have them give us a call 301-681-9520 or send an email  You are our #1 advertiser, help spread the word about our great program.


4CCN Licensing Inspection

On Friday, April 19th 4 Corners Community Nursery has its annual inspection from the Office of Child Care. These inspections are annual and mandatory for all child care centers.  The good news is 4CCN had no non-compliances, meaning there were no corrective measures needed and we have a clean report. However, we do have to make one correction. Unfortunately, the licensing specialist found a very large hole on the playground which needs to be filled in. When playing on the playground, please make sure your children are not making this hole larger or creating new holes. Thank you.



AP Testing

High School students from the area will be taking their AP Exams during the weeks of May 6-17. Testing will take place in the Social Hall.  You may notice more teens around the building during those two weeks. There will be no contact between the high school students and 4CCN.



End of the Year Celebrations

Thursday, May 30th is our last day of school for the 2023-2024 school year.  It is a 4CCN tradition to have an end-of-year picnic at a local park.  All classes and staff will come together from 10-12:30 to celebrate the end of the school year and the beginning of summer. More information will follow in the next few weeks.


4CCN does not have any kind of promotion or graduation ceremony for our 4-year-old children. Children respond differently to situations. Where some children are very comfortable with a celebration like this, it makes others very anxious. We want the end of the year to be a positive one for all children. Please celebrate this mile stone as a family that suits your child/family best.



Kindergarten Orientation

Is your child heading off to kindergarten in the fall? If you plan on sending your son/daughter to public schools, please call your designated school for registration information and orientation schedule.



A BIG Thank You!

So many of you helped us throughout the year. Thank you for being part of this community of families.

😊 Thanks to the parents and teachers who served on the Board of Directors.

😊Emily Love, our Scholastic Books coordinator.

😊 Taryn Queen who has formatted the monthly newsletter for me.

😊 Thank you to the substitutes who filled in many times at the last minute for staff needing a day or two off.

😊 Thanks to a great staff who work so hard throughout the school year.

😊 Thank you for sharing your children with us. They give us so much joy and laughter.

😊 Thank you for being a part of this great community! Could not have done all with without your support.


A note of Good-bye:

This is my last newsletter and I want to take a moment to thank all of you for an amazing 19 years as director. I have always felt so fortunate to have such a supportive community of people. The staff over the years has been some of the most hard-working people I have ever worked with. Their spirit to provide the children a safe, fun and loving environment is a testament to their love for teaching.  The families who bring/have brought their children to 4CCN over the years have always been there, even when times were tough. Working at 4CCN has been a perfect life/work balance.  I have loved my time here and will miss 4CCN, but it is time to let go.


Ellen Goodman wrote, There's a trick to the Graceful Exit. It begins with the vision to recognize when a job, a life stage, a relationship is over — and to let go. It means leaving what is over without denying its validity or its past importance in our lives.

It involves a sense of future, a belief that every exit line is an entry, that we are moving on rather than out.

The trick of retiring well may be the trick of living well, it’s hard to recognize that life isn't a holding action, but a process. It is hard to learn that we do not leave the best parts of ourselves behind, back in the dugout or the office/school.  We own what we learned back there. The experiences and the growth are grafted onto our lives. And when we exit, we can take ourselves along — quite gracefully.

I am so blessed to have these years at 4CCN. It began when my youngest son was in the 3-year-old program. He is now 31 and expecting a baby in July. I am really looking forward to what life will bring me. I wish all of you continued success. Thank you so much for allowing me to be a part of a great community.

With gratitude and love,

Susie Ostermeyer

April 2024 Newsletter

April 2024 Newsletter


April Dates:

April 1 – No School, Spring Break

April 10 – No School, MCPS Day off

April 17 – In-House Field Trip: Under the Sea 10:15

April 22 – No School, Passover


May Dates:

May 14 – No School, Primary Election Day

May 27 – No School, Memorial Day

May 28 & 29 – Last Day of School, In Class

May 30 – Last Day of School, End-of-Year Picnic



The children will enjoy the following snacks this month: Goldfish and apple juice, Graham crackers and juice, Animal Crackers and juice and Trader Joe cat cookies and yogurt.


Final Tuition Due

The final tuition payment is due in April.  April invoices were sent on March 25th.  May tuition was paid at the time of registration. If there are any outstanding balances, Donna the business manager will send you an invoice for the remaining balance.


Appointment of New Director!

The 4CCN Board of Directors hired Jodi Siff to take over as Director beginning June 1,2024. Jodi has been one of our 3s teachers since 2018. She is very passionate about teaching and giving children the best pre-school experience.

Over the next 2 ½ months Susie and Jodi will work together to ensure a smooth transition.


2024-2025 School Year Openings

We still have openings in our 3s & 4s programs and a few spots in the 2s.   If you know anyone who may be interested in learning more about 4CCN, please have them give us a call. Your recommendations are our best advertising!



Kindergarten Orientation

Is your child heading off to kindergarten in the fall? If you plan on sending your son/daughter to public schools, please call your designated school for registration information and orientation schedule.


Spring Consignment Sale – Thank You!

A huge thank you to Brittany Hammond & Sara Robb for all their hard work in making the spring sale such a success.

Their determination, marketing skills and organization has proven successful. Thank you so much Brittany & Sara for everything this past year. Sara Robb will be stepping down this year. We will be looking for someone to join Brittany next year for the sales. If you are interested in co-chairing the sales for next year, please stop by the office. We would be happy to discuss further with you.



From the Consignment Chair people, Brittany & Sara:

The 4CCN Spring Consignment Sale was a huge success! Parents: we appreciate all of your dedication, hard work, and volunteer efforts (especially through those windy evenings!). Consignors: you are precious. You spent hours collecting, tagging, and bringing over all of your sale items. You provided needed items to so many families. Buyers: you are just as important. Without your desire to bring purchased items back home to your kids from the sale, our fundraiser would be mute.

Also, thanks to Donna Rinaldo who did the accounting for the sale. Our total sales grossed over $8,000. The money raised for the sale funds important school items such as our beautiful playground equipment and maintenance, in- house field trips, and classroom equipment. Also, many of the remaining items that did not sell were donated to three amazing local organizations. What a great feeling for all of us to come together as a school community to make such a large event occur that ultimately benefits all of our children as well as our greater community. 4CCN is a fantastic community!

Our Fall sale is scheduled for the week of October 22-24. It never hurts to get started tagging early, so if you just consigned with us, let us know if you want to keep your code. Please start encouraging those in your playgroups, neighborhoods, and other close circles to consign in the fall as well as the sale is open to the public!


In-house Field Trips

One of the many benefits of our semi-annual consignment sale is that it provides the funding for in-house field trips. Last month we had Blue Sky Puppet Theater present “The Not So Little Pigs.”  On April 17th we will have Under the Sea, a learning adventure of what lives in the Chesapeake Bay and in on May 8th & 9th, Squeals on Wheels farm animal petting zoo.

Since we only have Under-the-Sea coming on Wednesday, April 17th, our friends, and family who are not here on Wednesdays, are welcome to join us at 10:15 for the presentation. It will be held on the first floor in the Weaver Room (just at the top of the stairs through the door).




·         Struggling with handwriting?

·         Difficulty learning new motor skills?

·         Avoiding coloring, drawing or cutting?

·         Clumsiness? Covering ears during loud noises?

·         Always “on the go” or fidgety?

·         Bothered by tags on clothing?

·         Annoyed by messy hands or fingers?


The Treatment and Learning Center is offering FREE screenings in April. Occupational Therapists are skilled in assessing how a child’s sensory processing abilities, fine motor skills, visual motor skills, and gross motor skills impact performance and function in daily life including self-care, play and academics.  Proficient skills in these areas are imperative for children to be successful in the classroom environment.  The screens can also be used as a preventative measure to ensure that your child’s development is on track and the child will have the foundation skills necessary to be able to learn.  Screenings are available for all ages of children and take 30 minutes.







March 2024 Newsletter

March 2024 Dates:

March 11-15 – Spring Consignment Sale

March 25- April 1 – Spring Break, No School


April Dates:


10 – No School

April 22 – No School


May Dates:

May 14 – No School, Primary Election Day

May 27 – No School, Memorial Day

May 30 – Last day of School, End of Year Picnic


March Snacks:

This month the children will enjoy crackers & cheese or peanut butter, cookies and juice and animal crackers and juice.


Calendar Change

Since our original printing of the school calendar, we noticed a change. Tuesday, May 14th is primary election day. Schools will be closed that day. 4CCN will also be closed.



Kindergarten Orientation

If you are planning on sending your rising kindergartener to public school this fall, you will need to register them. Please contact your designated school for more information on registration.




Registration for the 2024-2025 school year has begun! Thank you for promoting 4CCN to your friends and families!  We still have openings in our classes.   If you know of anyone who is interested in enrolling their child, please have them call the school office or email me at  Thank you!


Spring Consignment Sale

The Spring Consignment Sale is quickly approaching! This year’s spring sale will be

held the week of March 11, 2024. We will have a huge selection of spring/summer 

children's clothing (NB-14), plus toys, books, games, baby gear, costumes, and

maternity clothes for sale.


In addition to shopping the sale, you are also welcome to consign at the sale. This is

a great opportunity to clean out your closets and support the school at the same

time! If you are interested in consigning, you will need a consignor code. Codes are

$5 each. Please come to the office to pay for your code and pick up tags,

information packet and pricing guide.


If you have any items you would like to donate to the sale and give the school 100%

of the proceeds (instead of the 50/50 split for the consignor and the school), you

can pick up some green tags in the office and label them with code A1. Only donate

items that you do not want returned to you.


Please mark your calendars with the following important dates for consignors,

shoppers and parent volunteers:


Consignor Drop Off Times:

Monday, March 11:          9:30 AM - 1:00 PM and 7:00 - 9:00 PM

Tuesday, March 12:          9:30 AM - 12:30 PM


Sale Dates

Tuesday, March 12:          7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Wednesday, March 13:     9:30 AM - 1:00 PM and 7:00 - 9:00 PM

Thursday, March 14:          9:30 AM - 1:00 PM and 7:00 - 9:00 PM

(Thursday is half price day!)


Those of you who have signed up for their volunteer hours are welcome to shop the pre-sale on Tuesday, March 12th from 5:30-6:30 pm.


As you know, an event of this size can only be successful with the help of many

hands. Please help us make the most of this sale, our one and only fundraising event

at 4CCN, by signing up for and completing your required volunteer shift(s). If you

have not received an email with a link to the Sign-Up website, please contact our chairwomen, Brittany Hammond & Sara Robb, via email at




Spring Break

Spring Break begins at the close of school on Friday March 22nd. We will be closed from Monday, March 25 – Monday, April 1. We will reopen on Tuesday, April 2nd.


In-House Field Trips

We have scheduled several in-house field trips for our classes. On March 6th we will have Blue Sky Puppet Company, April 17th, Under the Sea with creatures from the Chesapeake Bay and on May 8 & 9 Squeals on Wheels. Our friends attending on Tuesdays/Thursdays only are invited to attend the shows on March 6th and April 17th.  All these great programs are possible because of the hours you put into the consignment sales.  Thank you!


Please Help 4CCN Get a Google Boost!

We are working to optimize our Google listing.

Kindly leave a review of 4CCN on our Google listing. The more reviews, the higher we show up on a search.

Thank you so much.


Follow 4CCN on Facebook & Instagram.


February 2024 Newsletter

February Dates:

Monday, February 19 – No School, President’s Day

Calendar Change:

MCPS has added a day back into the school calendar.

Friday, February 16 th was a designated day off for MCPS. Classes will now be in

session due to the snow days.

4CCN Snow Policy:

Speaking of snow days, 4CCN has several snow days in the calendar, totaling about 2

weeks; 4 snow days for 2-day students, 6 snow days for 3-day students, and 10 snow

days for 5-day students. As of this writing we have used 3 of our snow days, 2 on

Tuesday/Thursday and one on MWF. We have had one early release on January 9 th

which counts as a school day.

Will Punxsutawney Phil predict more winter on the 2 nd ?

February Snacks:

This month the children will enjoy these delicious snacks:

Ritz crackers and peanut butter, Graham crackers and apple juice, Ginger Snaps and

applesauce and Chex cereal with dried fruit.

Valentine’s Day Celebrations:

Valentine’s Day will be celebrated on Tuesday, February 13 th or Wednesday, February

14 th . Please check with your child’s teacher for more information about celebrations in

your child’s/children’s classrooms.

Please Help 4CCN Get a Google Boost!

Like what we do at 4CCN? We are working to optimize our Google listing.

Next time you are on your laptop or phone, kindly leave a review of 4CCN on our

Google listing. The more reviews, the higher we show up on a search.

Thank you so much for helping us out!

Open House/Community Registration

We have been very busy giving tours for prospective families. Please continue to let

your family, friends and neighbors know about 4CCN! Community registration begins

on Thursday, February 1 st . Applying is easy with our on-line registration. Paper

applications are also available on-line or in the office. Word of mouth is our best

marketing tool. Thank you for telling your friends and neighbors about us.

4CCN Extended Day

4CCN offer an extended day program starting September 2024.

Interested families will have the option to extend the 2s program from 12:15 to 1:15 and

3- and 4-year-old programs until 3 pm. More information will be available soon.

Spring Consignment Sale

Planning will begin soon for the spring consignment sale. The spring sale will be the

week of March 11 th . The fall and spring consignment sales are the only fundraising

activities at 4CCN. Everyone’s participation is required for the success of the sale.

Money raised for the sale pays for playground equipment and maintenance as well as

purchase furniture and materials for the classrooms. More information will follow in the

coming weeks.

Vision Screening:

The 3- and 4-year-old children will have their vision screened on either February 21 or

February 22. If your child wears glasses, be sure that they have them at school on the

day of screening. Results of the screening will go home with your child at the end of the day.

27 Interesting, Funny, & Statistical Facts About

Valentine’s Day

It may be a day reserved for romance, but it is also the when the telephone was patented!

Reviewed by Cheyenne Bostock, Life & Relationship Expert

Written by Sneha Tete, Integrated MA, Certified Relationship Coach

Edited by Asmita De, MA (English)

Fact-checked by Gracia Odile, MA  •  Nov 16, 2023

Valentine’s Day is on the cards, and all you couples must be busy planning your day with plenty

of excitement. Wait! Spare us two minutes! Do you know any interesting facts about Valentine’s

Day? If you are shaking your head, cheers! You are not alone. For most couples, this special

day is all about an opportunity to show their love and affection for each other. Well, this time,

impress your spouse and look knowledgeable and smart by letting her know some historical and

fun Valentine’s Day facts. What are they? Keep reading!

19 Funny Facts About Valentine’s Day

1. Cupid Actually Started Out as A Greek God

Let us begin our Valentine’s Day fun facts list with the most common symbol for love –

Cupid with his cherubic looks and angel wings. He was originally the Greek god, Eros.

Eros was the son of Aphrodite, the goddess of love and procreation. Cupid is known to

shoot two types of arrows – one to make people fall in love and one to make them hate

each other.

2. ‘X’ Was Originally Not a Symbol For Kiss

Though we sign off our letters and texts X’s these days as symbols of kisses, this was

not this letter’s original purpose. In medieval times, when people did not know how to

sign their names, they would simply sign off with an X. To show their loyalty and

affection, they would then kiss the X before sending the letter. Isn’t that one of the most

interesting facts about Valentine’s Day?

3. Candy Hearts Started Out as Medical LozengesSave

The popular Valentine’s Day candy, candy hearts, started out as medical lozenges

for the throat! Boston-based pharmacist Oliver Chase invented the machine that

produced small medical lozenges. When he saw the popularity of these small pop-in

medicines, he turned them into candy with cute messages on them.

4. Roses Symbolize Love

Roses are said to be the flowers of love. Venus, the Roman goddess of love, used to

adore red roses. This story made people start spreading love by giving roses to the

object of their affection. The gift of a rose either on stems or in bunches of petals is an

artful expression of love.

5. Different Places Celebrate Valentine’s Day in Different


Valentine’s Day is celebrated in many ways around the world. In Japan, women give

chocolates to men. Men reciprocate this gesture a month later March 14th, i.e., White

Day. In Finland, February 14th is celebrated as Ystävänpäivä, which translates to

Friends Day. Valentine’s Day is all about the expression of love.

6. Alexander Graham Bell Applied for A Patent for The

Telephone on Valentine’s Day

It was on this romantic holiday that Alexander Graham Bell applied for a patent for his

revolutionary invention – the telephone! Now, the telephone is the biggest medium for

sending and receiving.

7. Valentine’s Day Is the Second Most Popular Day for

Sending Cards

Valentine’s Day is a day when people all around the world send and receive

cards.  A greeting card with a personalized message makes for great memories,

especially as you grow older together. It is second only to Christmas in this regard.

Valentine cards are mass-produced, and most of the stock is sold out by the time the

holiday rolls around.

8. This Is the Day That Penicillin Was Introduced

Penicillin, the world’s first antibiotic and one of the greatest scientific discoveries, was

introduced to the world on Valentine’s Day.

9. Lace Is Commonly Used in Valentine’s Day Gifts

Lace is commonly used to in making bouquets of roses and in other items during

Valentine’s Day. The word ‘lace’ comes from the Latin word ‘laques’ which means to

snare or trap a person’s heart. Isn’t that fitting?

10. The First Valentine Was Sent from Prison

The first Valentine ever sent was by Charles, The Duke of Orleans. When he was

imprisoned after a war, he sent a love poem to his wife, who he would meet only 15

years later. Quite the romantic, wasn’t he?

11. ‘Wear Your Heart on Your Sleeve’ Is Quite A Literal


In the old days, people would pick out a name from a bowl to find out who their

Valentine would be. The chit they picked would then be pinned on their sleeve for the

world to see!

12. There Is a Sad Reason Behind Giving Chocolates On

Valentine’s Day

Physicians in the old days would recommend chocolate to people who were suffering

from a broken heart or pining after a lost love. Ouch!

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13. We Need to Thank Richard Cadbury for Chocolate


In 1861, Richard Cadbury invented the first chocolate box. Always the businessman, he

realized that he could capitalize on Valentine’s Day by producing chocolate boxes and

marketing them as something to be given to your sweetheart. Now, that’s one

interesting fact about Valentine’s Day we bet you didn’t know!

14. St. Valentine Was Quite a Rebel

St. Valentine, to whom this romantic holiday is dedicated, was quite the rebel. Emperor

Claudius of Rome outlawed marriage because he believed that single men made better

soldiers. St. Valentine went against his decree and performed wedding ceremonies in


15. The Oldest Valentine’s Day Card Is 600 Years Older

Than You

The oldest Valentine’s Day card was written in the 1400s. It has been preserved in the

British Museum for all to see.

16. Valentine’s Day Was Declared by The Pope

Pope Gelasius declared the Valentine’s Day holiday around 498 A.D.

17. Roses and Baby’s Breath Make Quite the


For years now, florists have been selling the ‘Signature Rose’ which comprises of a

single red rose with a tuft of baby’s breath. This Signature Rose is especially popular on

Valentine’s Day.

18. The Most Popular Valentine Card Recipients Are


According to a survey, the most popular recipients of Valentine’s Day gifts and cards are

teachers, followed by children, mothers, wives, sweethearts, and pets. This is definitely

one of the most surprising Valentine’s fun facts, isn’t it?

19. Hallmark Did Not Make the First Known Valentine’s

Day Card

Hallmark, then known then as Hall Brothers, introduced the Valentine’s Day card as we

know it only at the beginning of the last century. The first Valentine’s Day card is said to

have been given way before that in 1477. The lucky recipient is believed to be a man

named John Paston, whose fiancé Margery Brews wrote him a love letter.

8 Statistical Facts About Valentine’s Day


1. A Popular Time for Getting Engaged

Approximately 6 million couples are said to get engaged every year on this romantic


2. Love Letters Are Still Romantic

Verona, Italy – where the popular Shakespearean tragedy Romeo and Juliet took place

– receives more 6000 love letters every year from romantics all around the world. These

letters are diligently answered by The Juliet Club.

3. Cards, Cards, And More Cards!

Every year, approximately 14 million cards are produced and sent on and around

Valentine’s Day.

4. Chocolates Vs. Flowers? Chocolates Always Win

It has been noted that between chocolates and flowers, people tend to buy more

chocolates for Valentine’s Day. Chocolate sales on this day are 75% higher than flower


5. Heart-Shaped Boxes Are the Way to Go

Approximately 36 million heart-shaped boxes are sold every year on Valentine’s Day.

These boxes are used to pack chocolates, gifts, and anything that may mean something


6. Pets Are the Best Valentines

While Valentine’s Day was originally a celebration of love between people, people have

now started to consider their pets as their valentines too, and why not! Approximately

million pet owners per year buy gifts for their pets on this special holiday.

Katie, a blogger shares her experience of celebrating Valentine’s Day with her pet cats.

For this reason, she adds, “I still love the idea of a holiday all about love. And what

better love than the unconditional love one receives from cats?” She talks about her two

male and two female cats and elaborates on how these furballs love her and shower

their affection on her. She further adds, “These four fill my heart with love and meaning.

I could not ask for more from a valentine.”

7. Plans Aren’t Necessarily a Thing

Studies have proven that 64% of men around the world do not plan the day in advance.

Spontaneous plans such as a surprise date night are usually the way they roll!

8. Between Men and Women, Men Are Higher Spenders!

The average man spends more compared to women on Valentine’s Day. Studies have

shown that men are more likely to spend up to $120, while women only spend up to


Valentine’s Day is the one day of the year when you have a great excuse to shower

your loved ones with care and warmth. This special day commemorating love has

numerous stories and history behind it. Learn more about the fascinating facts about

Valentine’s Day and the significance it holds in many people’s hearts. These facts will

shed light on some intriguing topics you may not have known about and provide some

new perspective on this romantic day. Share these facts with your closest friends and

family, and enjoy this wonderful day with them to the utmost.

Valentine’s Day is a day of love. Everyone can experience that love. All forms of love –

for your family, friends, and kids – can be honored on this day. Valentine’s Day is a

reminder to show love to the people you care about. Showing love is never limited to a

romantic relationship.