March 2025 Newsletter


MARCH 2025

Days to Note


3/6 & 3/7: In-house field

trip Croydon Creek Nature


3/17 — 3/21: Spring

Consignment Sale

3/31: No School, MCPS off


Final Tuition Due

4/3 & 4/4: In-house field

trip Squeals on Wheels

4/14 — 4/21: No School,

Spring Break


5/1 & 5/2: In-house field

trip Under the Sea

5/26: No School, Memorial


5/28: Last Day of School

5/29: End of year picnic


Registration for the 2025 – 2026 school

year is underway. Thank you for

promoting 4CCN to your friends and

families. We still have openings in some of

our classes. If you know anyone interested

in enrolling their child, please have them

email me at

Thank you!


We have scheduled several in-house field trips for our

classes. March 6 & 7: Croydon Creek Nature Center

will present Animals up Close; April 3 & 4: Squeals

on Wheels will come visit us and set up a petting

zoo; May 9: Under the Sea with creatures from

the Chesapeake Bay. All these fantastic programs

are possible because of the hours you put into the

consignment sales. Thank you!


This year’s spring sale will be held the week of March 17th.

Please mark your calendars with the

following important dates for consignors,

shoppers, and parent volunteers:




9:30 AM - 1:00 PM

and 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM


9:30 AM - 12:30 PM



7:00 PM - 9:00 PM


9:30 AM - 1:00 PM

and 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM


9:30 AM - 1:00 PM

and 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

The Spring Consignment Sale is quickly

approaching! We will have a huge selection of

spring/summer children’s clothing, plus toys, books,

games, baby gear, costumes, and maternity clothes

for sale.

In addition to shopping the sale, you are also

welcome to consign at the sale. This is a great

opportunity to clean out your closets and support

the school at the same time! If you are interested in

consigning, you will need a consignor code. Codes

are $5 each. Please come to the office to pay for your

code and pick up tags, the information packet, and a

pricing guide.

If you have any items you would like to donate to

the sale and give the school 100 % of the proceeds

(instead of the 50/50 split for the consignor and

the school), you can pick up some green tags in the

office and label them with code A1. Only donate

items that you do not want returned to you.

As you know, an event of this size can only be

successful with the help of many hands. Please

help us make the most of this sale, by signing up

for and completing your required volunteer shift.

If you have not received an email with a link to the

sign – up, please contact our chairwomen: Brittany

Hammond, Tiffany Lay, and Briana Teller at

Those of you who have signed up

for volunteer hours are welcome to

shop the pre-sale on Tuesday, March

18th from 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM.

Thursday is half price day!


If you are planning on sending your rising

kindergartner to public school in the fall, you will need to register them. Please contact

your designated school for more information on registration.


Keeping everyone safe is our number one priority.

Please hold your child’s hand in the parking lot

before and after school. Please remember to always

drive slowly. Thank you!


This month the children will enjoy: goldfish & apple

juice, cookies & apple juice, crackers & peanut butter,

and crackers & cheese. If there is a snack your child

should not consume, please let your child’s teacher



We welcome families to use the playground both

before and after school. All families must leave the

playground by 2 PM. Please remember to clean up

after yourselves.



COMMUNITY REGISTRATION: We have been very busy

giving tours for prospective families. Please continue to

let your family, friends, and neighbors, know about 4CCN!

Community registration begins on Monday, Feb. 3. Applying

is easy with our online registration. Word of mouth is our best

form of advertisement. Thank you for telling your friends and

neighbors about us.

Days to Note

FEB. 3-7th: Food Drive

for Luther Rice’s Food


FEB. 7th: Ice Cream


FEB. 17th: No School,

Presidents’ Day


This month the children will enjoy the following snacks:

crackers and cheese, cheerios and yogurt, graham crackers and

apple juice, and cereal with dried fruit. Please let your child’s

teacher know if there is a snack they should not eat.


We are looking forward to seeing everyone at the ice cream

social. We are thrilled to have Down by the Bagel perform live

music. We hope to see everyone on Friday, Feb. 7th at 4 PM

for this fun family event.


The spring sale will be the week of March 17th.

Planning has begun for the spring consignment sale. The

fall and spring sales are the only fundraising activities

we currently run at 4CCN. Everyone’s participation is

required for the success of the sale. Money raised from the

sale pays for playground equipment and maintenance as

well as to purchase materials for the classrooms.


We are collecting non-perishables for Luther Rice’s food

pantry. This is something 4CCN would do before covid.

We are eager to begin helping again. Collection will be

from February 3rd until February 7th. Items needed are:

Canned soup, 1lb. bags of rice, peanut butter, pancake mix,

breakfast cereals, snack packs (individually packaged food

items), canned beans, canned food, vegetable oil, pasta, etc.

No glass containers, please. We will have a large box in the

office for all collections. Thank you!


“I Love You More Than Applesauce”

By Jack Prelutsky

I love you more than applesauce,

Than peaches and a plum,

Than chocolate hearts,

And cherry tarts,

And berry bubblegum.

January 2025 Newsletter


REGISTRATION Enrollment for current families opens on January 6. In house registration for 2025 – 2026 begins, Monday, January 6th. Registration is open to current students as well as siblings of current students. Registration can be completed online through our website. If you would rather paper registration, please stop by the office to pick up the forms. Registration is first come first served.

CLASS OFFERINGS WILL BE AS FOLLOWS: 2s Tuesday Thursday: $410/month 2s Monday Wednesday Friday: $515/month 2s 5 Days: $630/month 3s Tuesday Thursday: $410/month 3s Monday Wednesday Friday: $515/month 3’s 5 Days: $630/month 4s Monday Wednesday Friday: $515/month 4’s 5 Days: $630/month Registration Fee (Non – Refundable): $90/month


JANUARY DATES 1/6: In-house registration 1/20: Martin Luther King Jr. Day – No school 1/27: Alumni registration begins 1/29: MCPS No school day – No school

FEBRUARY DATES 2/3: Community Registration 2/7: Ice Cream Social 2/17: Presidents’ Day – No School

4CCN SNOW POLICY 4 Corners Community Nursery School follows the Montgomery County School’s closing policy. MCPS will notify the public of the decision, usually by 6 am. If it is necessary to close early, 4CCN will close at 11:45 AM. When MCPS is delayed by 2 hours, 4CCN will open at 11:15 am and remain open until 1:15 pm for all ages.

JANUARY SNACK The children will enjoy the following snacks this month: Cheerios & vanilla yogurt, Goldfish & juice, crackers & peanut butter, cookies & applesauce, pretzels & juice. If your child cannot consume one of the snacks, please notify your child’s teacher.

IN PERSON TOURS We have begun scheduling tours for prospective families. Please spread the word to your friends, family, and neighbors about 4CCN. Word of mouth is our best advertising. TAX FORMS Some of you may be able to use child care expenses as a deduction on your income tax. If this is the case, please stop by the office for more information. ICE CREAM SOCIAL Mark your calendars for the annual ice cream social. Our ice cream social will be Friday, February 7 from 4:00 – 5:30. We are so excited that Down by the Bagel will be providing entertainment for this fun family event!

PARENT – TEACHER CONFERENCES The 2, 3, and 4-year-old classes will have their parent-teacher conferences in January/February. Conferences will be held on the second floor in the library. Children will have a regular school day on their conference day. A substitute will be in the classroom for the teacher on conference days. If school is closed due to inclement weather, we will reschedule conferences. Jan 23: Sarah Jacobs and Chela Bodden Jan 24: Sarah Jacobs and Chela Bodden Jan 27: Allison Nadelhaft Jan 31: Alana Kravitz Feb 6: Pia Chirinos Feb 7: Ashley Campbell


BEFORE THE CONFERENCE: Ask your child how he/she feels about school. Ask your child if there is anything that he/she wants you to talk to their teacher about. Make a list of topics that you would like to talk about with the teacher. Prepare a list of questions that you have for the teacher.

DURING THE CONFERENCE: Be on time/early. End the meeting on time. Other parents will have conferences after you. Relax and be yourself. Stay calm during the conference. Ask the most important questions first. Ask for explanations of anything that you don’t understand. Ask your child’s teacher for ways that you can help your child at home.

AFTER THE CONFERENCE: Talk about the conference with your child. Talk about the positive points. Tell your child about any plans you and the teacher created. Keep in touch with the teacher and follow up consistently.

THINGS TO REMEMBER: If you are having a conference, it does not mean your child is in trouble. Teachers are meeting with all of the parents. Both the teacher and family want what is best for the child. You can help your child by working together as a team!

December 2024 Newsletter



2025 – 2026 REGISTRATION

Enrollment for current families opens on January 6.

Registration is right around the corner. Current families are offered the chance to enroll early and secure their spot. To enroll, simply visit our website and click the Enroll now tab. If you prefer to do a paper registration, just stop by the office and we will give you the paper registration forms. All registration is on a first come, first served basis.

Important Dates

12/23 – 1/1: Winter Break

1/6: In-house registration begins

1/20: No school, Martin Luther King Jr. Day

1/27: Alumni registration begins

1/29: No school, MCPS off

2/3: New family registration begins


We are currently scheduling appointments for tours. Please help spread the word to your friends about 4CCN. Word of mouth is our best advertising. Please post information on your community listservs, parent groups, and social media. Registration for new families begins Monday, February 3, 2025.


The school and office will close at the end of the school day on Friday, December 20th and will reopen on Thursday, January 2, 2025. Whether you are staying close to home or traveling, have a safe and wonderful holiday!


Our second Stay and Play period runs from December – February.

We still have openings available. Children enjoy playing with friends from different classes and participating in a variety of activities. Children get the opportunity to spend time with teachers from other classes as well. We will continue to use the playground during Stay and Play if the weather cooperates. If you are interested in enrolling in Stay and Play, please stop by the office.


Parking lots can be dangerous. We want to keep everyone safe. Please remember to drive slowly through the school parking lot. Please always hold your child’s hand when walking through the parking lot. Please do not leave children in your car unattended. Please do not park in spaces designated for no parking. Thank you!


This month we will enjoy graham crackers, juice, trail mix, and a variety of snacks we’ve previously had as we clean out our cupboard before winter break.


We will continue to play outside during the winter months. This is a pleasant experience if your child is dressed appropriately for the weather. Please make sure that your child has a warm coat, pants, appropriate shoes, a hat, and mittens. Please make sure everything is labeled with your child’s name.


Here is a recipe my family enjoys on most holidays. It is easy to make and delicious.


1 lb carrots boiled until soft (I use a bag of baby carrots)

½ cup sugar

3 eggs

3 Tablespoons flour

1 teaspoon baking powder

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

2 teaspoons cinnamon

1 stick butter, melted

Combine all ingredients in blender. Blend until smooth. Pour into greased (8 x 8) baking dish

November 2024 Newsletter



We are very excited to be adding a 5-day 2’s class

In late November/early December, 4CCN will begin scheduling tours for the 2024 – 2025 school year.

• Registration for in-house families will begin on January 6, 2025

• Registration for alumni families will begin on January 27, 2025

• Registration for the community will begin on February 3, 2025

Word of mouth is our best form of advertising. Please help spread the word about 4CCN to your friends and family!

Upcoming Days Off

NOV 4 & NOV 5:

No school

NOV 27 — 29:

Thanksgiving break

DEC 23 — JAN 1:

Winter break


This month we will be enjoying animal crackers and juice, crackers and peanut butter or cheese, cheerios and yogurt, and graham crackers and juice. Please notify the office and teachers if your child cannot have one of the snacks so we can provide an alternative snack.


We will be closed Wednesday, November 27 through Friday, November 29 for the Thanksgiving holiday. We hope that everyone enjoys this time with their loved ones. Travel safely if you are headed out of town. We will reopen on Monday, December 2.


As the cold weather approaches in November, please remember to dress your child for outdoor play. We will continue to go outside to play in the winter months. Please send your children to school with hats, mittens, warm coats, etc. Please make sure everything is labeled with your child’s name. It is also important that your child wears appropriate shoes to school. Please send your children to school with sturdy, close-toed shoes. Also, remember to change out the spare clothes in your child’s cubby at school so they are seasonally appropriate.


The fall consignment sale was a huge success! We are so grateful to all our families who volunteered and participated in the sale. We cannot do this without all of you. We appreciate your hard work and dedication. A huge shout out to Brittany Hammond, our consignment chair, who took this sale on solo. Without Brittany, we could not have had this sale. Brittany will be moving at the end of this year, so we really need families to take the leap of faith and help take over this task. We would like to bring on a cochair for the spring so Brittany can teach them the ropes. Please let Jodi know if you are interested. Our spring sale is March 17 – 21.


By Aileen Fisher

T for time to be together, turkey, talk, and tangy weather.

H for harvest stored away, home, and hearth, and holiday.

A for autumn’s frosty art, and abundance in the heart.

N for neighbors, and November, nice things, new things to remember.

K for kitchen, kettles’ croon, kith and kin expected soon.

S for sizzles, sights, and sounds, and something special that abounds.

That spells ~~~THANKS~~~

for joy in living and a jolly good Thanksgiving.