Emergency Closings and Delays
When Montgomery County Public Schools are closed because of snow or other emergencies, our nursery will also be closed. The MWF classes have 6 emergency closing days built into the calendar, the TTH classes have 4 days, and 5-day classes have 10 days. COVID-19 or weather related closings will not be refundable unless extended closure. The Board of Directors will make final decisions regarding tuition reimbursement on extended closure. They will decide what defines an extended closure and reimbursement amount.
When County schools have a delayed opening, the nursery will delay its opening the same length of time. MCPS will notify radio and TV stations of the decision, usually by 6:00 am. If it is necessary to close schools early, our nursery will close at 11:45 am. Radio and TV stations will be notified usually by 11:00 am. When opening is delayed two hours, the 2-year-old classes will remain until 1:15 pm, 3- and 4- year-olds will be dismissed at the regular time.
Receive text message and e-mail alerts from Montgomery County Public Schools through "Alert MCPS" about delays and closings by visiting their website and navigating to, "How to Receive MCPS Emergency Information". You can receive text messages and email alerts. When Montgomery County Public Schools are closed because of snow or other emergencies – our nursery will also be closed. M-W-F classes have 6 emergency closing days built into the calendar, and T-TH classes have 4 emergency closing days.
Receive emergency alert Notifications
As mentioned above, "Alert MCPS" is a way that you can receive text messages or e-mails from Montgomery County Public Schools during weather-related emergencies and other major events that impact school system operations. Alert MCPS is administered by Montgomery County Public Schools and is part of the Montgomery County Alert System. Signup today!
Dismissal time for the 2-year-olds is 12:15 pm and 1:15 pm for the 3- and 4- year olds. Please pick up promptly. A $5.00 fee will be charged for pickup between 12:15 pm and 12:30 pm (1:15 pm and 1:30 pm), and $1.00 per minute after 12:30 pm (1:30 pm) will be assessed the parent, regardless of car pool arrangements. This fee will be payable to the teacher, the next class day.
Even if your child knows the person who is picking him up, we will not release the child unless:
It is the regular pickup person whom the teacher recognizes; or
You, the parent, have contacted the nursery and have identified by name the pickup person
If your child is going home with a friend from class rather than the regular pickup person, you must provide that information to the teacher in a written note.
We request that you keep your child at home if he has even the slightest hint of illness. If he attends the nursery when he is ill, he is likely to infect others and to aggravate his own illness. If your child becomes ill during the day, we will call you – or the relative or neighbor designated on the emergency card – to come pick him up. Please notify us immediately if there is a change in the emergency information.
*Please see COVID handbook for specific guidance for COVID-19.
Our goal is healthy children! Please be advised that we will send home any child who appears to us to be unwell.
The Maryland State Department of Health states that the Director or teacher may not administer medication of any kind to a child, except by written instructions from your doctor.
Please let the Director or the teachers know if your child is absent because of a communicable disease (such as COVID-19, Chicken Pox, Strep Throat, Pink Eye, RSV, Flu, etc.). Other parents need to know their child has been exposed.
Convalescent Children
Children not well enough to go outside with their class should be kept home. We do not have sufficient personnel to stay inside with a child who is convalescing. Both teachers must be with their class when in the outdoor area for the safety of the class.
Toilet Training
Two-year-olds do not need to be toilet trained.
We hope our three-year-olds will be fully toilet trained, however, if they are not they may come to school wearing "pull ups". We will not change them, and if a child has a bowel movement in the "pull up" a parent or caregiver will need to come to school to change the child.
Four-year-olds must be completely toilet trained.
Discipline Policy
4CCN strives to give each child a sense of security, a healthy feeling of self-esteem and an enthusiasm for living and learning. To emphasize positive behavior we have arranged our classrooms so they work for all children with a variety of age appropriate materials. Daily schedules are consistent and predictable. Children are given choices and are prepared in advance for transitions. Clear limits are established, showing an understanding of the children’s needs and abilities.
Nevertheless, children may sometimes experience difficulties. We then do one or more of the following: change the environment, change the adult response, remove child briefly from problem situation (see procedure for using "quiet corner"), help child develop new skills and/or seek information or special resources for child.
Procedure for using "a quiet corner" (if necessary):
Choose a quiet area of classroom
Explain why child is there; be specific and brief
Do not talk to child during this time
If the child gets up from the quiet corner, return him/her with no talking
The child must be calm and quiet to get up
This time should be brief –no more than 2-3 minutes
Following the short quiet corner period, the teacher should quickly look for and praise good behavior
Your child is attending our nursery to work as well as play. To make him comfortable, dress your child in play clothes. We will be painting, gluing, playing in water, etc., which will require clothes that can get dirty. Please don't hinder your child's development by telling him, "Don't get this outfit dirty". Be sure your child's clothing (sweaters, hats, coats, gloves, boots, etc.) is marked with their name.
Each child is to bring a lunch with a non-breakable cup to hold the milk we furnish. Please pack your child’s lunch in an insulated lunch container. If your child’s lunch contains perishable foods, please pack 2 ice sources in the lunch. We request that you not include candy or gum in the lunch because this is a temptation for the other children at the table. For more information on packing a safe lunch, please check out USDA’s web site.
Hazard Insurance
Each child attending our nursery is covered through Patuxent Insurance Company by a Preschool Activities Policy. This policy covers each child while on the church premises during school hours and on field trips, as well as traveling to and from the nursery.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
For students in the 2-, 3- and 4-year-old classes, scheduled conferences will be held in January/February so you may discuss your child's progress. Prior to conference time a sign-up sheet will be posted outside the classroom door so you may schedule a time convenient for you. Discussing your child with the teacher in his presence (such as in the doorway of the room) is unwise. Your child understands he is being discussed and may pattern his behavior accordingly. Make an appointment for a conference anytime during the year if you have a concern.
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors makes decisions concerning nursery policy. This Committee is composed of the Director, two teachers and six parents. The names of the teachers and parents will be announced in our October monthly newsletter. Any concerns you may have should be brought to the attention of a Committee member for discussion at the next meeting. The Committee meets in November and May.
4CCN staff members are given days off for personal or sick leave. In their absence, a substitute is called as replacement. Substitutes are either, former 4CCN staff, past or current parents/caretakers of 4CCN children.
Code of Behavior
It is the aim of the nursery to provide an environment that allows a child to develop to his fullest potential. A child whose behavior intrudes on the rights of others will not be sanctioned, and a conference will be held between teacher and parents to seek ways to best help the child. A child will be asked by the teacher and the director to withdraw if reasonable improvement does not occur within a specified period of time.
Playground Rules
The 4CCN rules of the playground are as follows:
Playground Gate:
· Parents/adults unlock the gate
· Keep gate always closed
· Last family off, lock up playground
Playground Equipment:
· No jumping off equipment
· Go down slide feet first
· No climbing up spiral slide
· Straight slides can be used to go up or down, not both at the same time
· No climbing on fence or gate
· No scaling on outside of cross bridge
· Hang on bars over mulch not over hard surfaces
· No jumping off mud kitchen into culvert
Sand, mulch, rock safety:
· No throwing mulch, sand, sticks or rocks
· Keep sand in the sandboxes
· Cover sandboxes
· Please look with your eyes at flower garden and vegetable garden
Window Wells & rocks:
· Stay away from windows and out of window wells
· Keep rocks in the window wells (loose rocks are a danger to landscapers)
Over all Safety & Supervision:
· Children must be always supervised
· Keep your shoes on
· Pick up after yourself before you leave
· Always hold your child’s hand in parking lot
· Parents are liable for the safety of their children after hours
If your child has a hard time following the rules, it may be time to go home.
If your child requires more stimulation after school, there are many wonderful parks in this county where under your supervision they can play safely.
We love to keep the playground open after school. What a wonderful opportunity for children to extend their day with their friends and for parents to socialize. We can only do this with your help and cooperation.
Field Trips
Maryland's child safety seat law requires that all children younger than eight years of age be secured in a federally approved child safety seat according to the safety seat and vehicle manufacturers' instructions, unless the child is 4 feet, 9 inches or taller, or weighs more than 65 pounds. The child restraint must be right for the child's size, age, and weight. Each individual parent is responsible for providing the safety seat.
4CCN Parking Policy
4CCN has permission from the church for our parents to use the large parking lot. behind the building. In normal circumstances, adequate spaces will be available. On occasion, church groups may have activities during the school day.
The first four spaces in front of the 4CCN entrance are a no parking zone from 9 am - 2 pm school days. Please park only in MARKED parking spaces. For the safety of all children, please do not drive up to the door to drop off your child.
4CCN shares the parking lot with other tenants of Luther Rice Memorial Baptist Church. For the safety of the children, please hold hands with your child when walking to and from the building. Do not allow the children to run ahead. If carpooling, form a chain of handholding. Keep children close to vehicle when loading and unloading the car.
4CCN runs a consignment sale two times per year (usually October and March). This is our only source of fundraising. All families (or an adult representative of the family) will be required to do a minimum of 4 volunteer hours at BOTH the fall and spring sales. Failure to work hours could result in loosing in-house registration privileges.
Security System
All exterior doors will be closed and locked throughout the day. To provide access to the building when it is occupied but the doors are locked, an intercom and door lock release has been installed on the nursery entrance permitting the nursery staff to let people in at that door only. Please identify yourself when ringing the doorbell. Interior doors are locked with a cypher lock. The code to the interior locks will be given to registered families at Open House. Please enter and exit the building through the main 4 Corners Community Nursery door only.