Guidance to Support Safe In-Person Operations 4 Corners Community Nursery Updated August 2, 2022
A. Introduction
4 Corners Community Nursery (4CCN), The Maryland Department of Health (MDH) and the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) are committed to in-person learning, safe and quality care for our children. SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, continues to evolve and there are tools available to lessen its severe effects. As such, guidance regarding prevention efforts in 4CCN should also evolve to reflect local conditions and degree of risk. This document provides and outlines decision making for prevention strategies for decreasing transmission of infectious diseases, including SARS-CoV-2. In line with guidance from the CDC, 4CCN put in place a core set of infectious disease prevention strategies as part of their normal operations. The addition and layering of COVID-19-specific prevention strategies are tied to COVID-19 Community Levels and other local factors.
B. Strategies for Everyday Operations
1. Staying Up to Date on Vaccinations
Staying up to date on routine vaccinations is essential to prevent illness from many different infections. For COVID-19, vaccination is the leading public health strategy to prevent severe disease. Not only does it provide individual-level protection, but high vaccination coverage reduces the burden of COVID-19 on our community. 4CCN, MDH and MSDE recommend that all eligible Marylanders ages 6 months and older receive all recommended doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, including boosters.
4CCN will not require children to be vaccinated against COVID-19. If you would like 4CCN to have proof of vaccination in your child's file, please submit a copy of vaccination dates to the Director's office.
2. Staying Home When Sick
Staff and children who have symptoms of an infectious illness such as COVID-19, influenza, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and gastrointestinal infections, should not attend school and should be tested for COVID-19 if appropriate. Please notify 4CCN if your child has a reportable infectious disease, including a positive test for COVID-19. We must continue to follow existing procedures for reporting certain diseases (COMAR 10.06.01) including COVID-19 to the local health department. When a person becomes ill during the day while at school, they will move to the school office. That allows separation from well children and provides the appropriate level of safety and supervision. 4CCN will call the parent/guardian from the emergency form on file in the office. Children who exhibit symptoms of an infectious respiratory illness may be asked to wear a mask. It is the expectation for timely pick up of children who are ill.
Children and staff with symptoms of COVID-19 should be tested. If the test is negative, they may return when symptoms are improved and they have no fever for 24 hours without medication.
COVID-19 Symptoms:
Fever or chills, temperature >100.4
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Muscle or body aches
New loss of taste or smell
Sore throat
Congestion or runny nose
Nausea or vomiting Diarrhea
Children should remain at home with any signs of illness to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
If COVID-19 test is positive, a 10 Day quarantine is necessary. See Appendix A.
3. Maximizing Ventilation
4CCN will optimize ventilation to reduce the risk of germs and contaminants spreading through the air
4CCN will maximize time outside as much as possible and avoid poorly ventilated spaces as much as possible
Opening classroom windows and doors for air circulation. Luther Rice Memorial Baptist Church maintains the HVAC system several times a year
4. Hand Hygiene and Respiratory Etiquette
Washing hands can prevent the spread of infectious diseases. 4CCN will teach and reinforce proper handwashing to lower the risk of spreading viruses, including the virus that causes COVID-19. 4CCN will monitor and reinforce these behaviors, especially during key times in the day (ex. before eating, after using the bathroom and after outdoor play). 4CCN will provide adequate handwashing supplies, including soap and water.
5. Cleaning and Disinfection
4CCN will clean high touch surfaces several times a day to reduce the risk of germs spreading by touching surfaces. Classrooms and bathrooms are cleaned at the end of each day.
C. COVID-19 Community Levels and Associated Prevention Strategies
CDC's COVID-19 Community Levels will help guide the addition of COVID-19 prevention strategies at 4CCN. When the COVID-19 Community Level indicates an increase in transmission and disease burden, particularly if the level is high, 4CCN will consider adding layered prevention strategies to support safe, in-person learning and keep classrooms/ school open. In addition, 4CCN will work with Montgomery County Health Dept. to consider other local conditions and factors when deciding to implement prevention strategies if there is any COVID-19 outbreak.
With decreasing or low COVID-19 Community Levels, schools and child care programs can consider removing prevention strategies one at a time, followed by close monitoring of the COVID-19 Community Level in the weeks that follow.
1. Contact Tracing and Quarantine of Close Contacts
Universal contact tracing is no longer recommended in schools and child care programs. When a COVID-19 case has been identified in a staff member or child at any COVID-19 Community Level:
The staff member with COVID-19 or parents of the student with COVID-19 are encouraged to notify their own/their child's close contacts
4CCN provides notification of the COVID-19 case to the class(es) exposed to that staff member/child
Staff and children who may be close contacts, AND who are vaccinated may continue to attend school and child care as long as they remain asymptomatic
Exposed staff and children wear a mask for 10 days (day 0 is the last date of exposure)
A test at 3-5 days after exposure is recommended. Unvaccinated children will need to follow quarantine guidelines. See Appendix A.
2. Mask Use
Wearing a well-fitting mask consistently and correctly reduces the risk of spreading the virus that causes COVID-19. Families can choose to have their child/children wear a mask based on personal preference or by personal level of risk to themselves or their household or social contacts. Masks are optional at 4CCN but may be required at any time during the school year at the sold discretion of 4CCN given the health data at the time or as directed by the CDC, MoCo Health or MSDE.
The CDC recommends universal indoor mask wearing only at the high COVID-19 Community Level, persons who are immunocompromised or otherwise at high risk for severe COVID-19 should discuss with their health care provider when to wear a mask.
At times of an outbreak or increased transmission within our program, the use of masks may be recommended by local health departments regardless of COVID-19 Community Level.
3. Cohorting
Cohorting is the practice of keeping people together in a small group and having each group stay together throughout the day, while minimizing contact between cohorts. In areas with high COVID-19 Community Levels, 4CCN may use this strategy to limit the number of people who come in contact with each other.
Classes will combine outside only:
2s & 3s classes outside together
4s classes outside together If cohorting is necessary, classes will be separated on playground
4. Additional Ventilation Improvements
Schools and child care programs can take additional steps to increase outdoor air intake and improve air filtration when COVID-19 Community Levels are high. These include opening windows and doors as much as safely possible and using child-safe fans to increase the effectiveness of open doors and windows, minimizing time in enclosed spaces, and maximizing time outdoors as much as possible (when appropriate).
5. Considerations for Prioritizing COVID-19 Prevention Strategies
4CCN with help from Montgomery County Health Department will determine appropriate strategies to implement should an outbreak occur. The risks from COVID-19 should be balanced with educational, social, and mental health outcomes when deciding which prevention strategies to put in place.
D. School and Child Care Outbreaks
4CCN must continue to follow existing procedures for reporting communicable diseases (COMAR 10.06.01) and immediately notify the local health department of a COVID-19 outbreak. The local health department will recommend control measures in response to the outbreak, including some of the prevention strategies described above. It is important for 4CCN to follow the recommendations of the local health department.
During an outbreak, other common control measures that may be recommended on a temporary basis include:
Masking of staff and students
Testing of staff and students
Increased handwashing with soap and water
Rescheduling or pausing higher risk activities
E. Suspension of In-Person Learning or Child Care Operations
While our goal is to continue in-person learning whenever possible, we may have a temporary suspension of in-person learning. It may be advisable under certain limited conditions to protect the safety of children, staff, and their families. The following extenuating circumstances can be reasons for temporary suspension operations school-wide or by individual classrooms:
When there is evidence of substantial, uncontrolled transmission in the school or classroom. When there are logistical or safety concerns arising from the number of cases and close contacts
When discussed with and recommended by local public health and medical professionals. Decisions around the suspension of in-person due to COVID-19 as well as the duration of the suspension should be made on a case-by-case basis in coordination with the local health department, the local school system, and child care licensing specialists as applicable.
8/2/2022 Update from Information Book: COVID-19 related closings will not be refundable unless extended closure. The Board of Directors will make final decisions regarding tuition reimbursement on extended closure. They will decide what defines an extended closure and reimbursement amount.
Accessible version:
These policies are subject to change as new regulations/directives are put in place for Child Care Providers by the CDC or the Office of Child Care. We will keep you up to date regarding any changes or modifications as we move forward with reopening 4 Corners Community Nursery.