April 2024 Newsletter
April Dates:
April 1 – No School, Spring Break
April 10 – No School, MCPS Day off
April 17 – In-House Field Trip: Under the Sea 10:15
April 22 – No School, Passover
May Dates:
May 14 – No School, Primary Election Day
May 27 – No School, Memorial Day
May 28 & 29 – Last Day of School, In Class
May 30 – Last Day of School, End-of-Year Picnic
The children will enjoy the following snacks this month: Goldfish and apple juice, Graham crackers and juice, Animal Crackers and juice and Trader Joe cat cookies and yogurt.
Final Tuition Due
The final tuition payment is due in April. April invoices were sent on March 25th. May tuition was paid at the time of registration. If there are any outstanding balances, Donna the business manager will send you an invoice for the remaining balance.
Appointment of New Director!
The 4CCN Board of Directors hired Jodi Siff to take over as Director beginning June 1,2024. Jodi has been one of our 3s teachers since 2018. She is very passionate about teaching and giving children the best pre-school experience.
Over the next 2 ½ months Susie and Jodi will work together to ensure a smooth transition.
2024-2025 School Year Openings
We still have openings in our 3s & 4s programs and a few spots in the 2s. If you know anyone who may be interested in learning more about 4CCN, please have them give us a call. Your recommendations are our best advertising!
Kindergarten Orientation
Is your child heading off to kindergarten in the fall? If you plan on sending your son/daughter to public schools, please call your designated school for registration information and orientation schedule.
Spring Consignment Sale – Thank You!
A huge thank you to Brittany Hammond & Sara Robb for all their hard work in making the spring sale such a success.
Their determination, marketing skills and organization has proven successful. Thank you so much Brittany & Sara for everything this past year. Sara Robb will be stepping down this year. We will be looking for someone to join Brittany next year for the sales. If you are interested in co-chairing the sales for next year, please stop by the office. We would be happy to discuss further with you.
From the Consignment Chair people, Brittany & Sara:
The 4CCN Spring Consignment Sale was a huge success! Parents: we appreciate all of your dedication, hard work, and volunteer efforts (especially through those windy evenings!). Consignors: you are precious. You spent hours collecting, tagging, and bringing over all of your sale items. You provided needed items to so many families. Buyers: you are just as important. Without your desire to bring purchased items back home to your kids from the sale, our fundraiser would be mute.
Also, thanks to Donna Rinaldo who did the accounting for the sale. Our total sales grossed over $8,000. The money raised for the sale funds important school items such as our beautiful playground equipment and maintenance, in- house field trips, and classroom equipment. Also, many of the remaining items that did not sell were donated to three amazing local organizations. What a great feeling for all of us to come together as a school community to make such a large event occur that ultimately benefits all of our children as well as our greater community. 4CCN is a fantastic community!
Our Fall sale is scheduled for the week of October 22-24. It never hurts to get started tagging early, so if you just consigned with us, let us know if you want to keep your code. Please start encouraging those in your playgroups, neighborhoods, and other close circles to consign in the fall as well as the sale is open to the public!
In-house Field Trips
One of the many benefits of our semi-annual consignment sale is that it provides the funding for in-house field trips. Last month we had Blue Sky Puppet Theater present “The Not So Little Pigs.” On April 17th we will have Under the Sea, a learning adventure of what lives in the Chesapeake Bay and in on May 8th & 9th, Squeals on Wheels farm animal petting zoo.
Since we only have Under-the-Sea coming on Wednesday, April 17th, our friends, and family who are not here on Wednesdays, are welcome to join us at 10:15 for the presentation. It will be held on the first floor in the Weaver Room (just at the top of the stairs through the door).
· Struggling with handwriting?
· Difficulty learning new motor skills?
· Avoiding coloring, drawing or cutting?
· Clumsiness? Covering ears during loud noises?
· Always “on the go” or fidgety?
· Bothered by tags on clothing?
· Annoyed by messy hands or fingers?
The Treatment and Learning Center is offering FREE screenings in April. Occupational Therapists are skilled in assessing how a child’s sensory processing abilities, fine motor skills, visual motor skills, and gross motor skills impact performance and function in daily life including self-care, play and academics. Proficient skills in these areas are imperative for children to be successful in the classroom environment. The screens can also be used as a preventative measure to ensure that your child’s development is on track and the child will have the foundation skills necessary to be able to learn. Screenings are available for all ages of children and take 30 minutes.