September 2024 Newsletter




Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year!

We are so excited to kick off this school year. The teachers have so many wonderful things planned. I am equally excited to take on my new role as director of 4CCN. I am enjoying greeting everyone at the door each morning. Please introduce yourself. I am still learning everyone’s names.

The hallways have been filled with sounds of joy and tears. We are doing everything we can to make this transition for the children as smooth as possible. In just a few short weeks the children will be settled into their new routines.

I’d like to wish all of the families and staff a fantastic 2024-2025 school year!


Please check out all the staff bios on our website’s staff page.


4CCN has been fortunate to consistently retain staff from year to year. We are thrilled that they are part of our 4CCN family.

We have had some changes and movement from last year. Here is a list of who is where in 2024-2025:

This year we welcome back two staff members to 4CCN; Chela Bodden and Pia Chirinos.

We also welcome Bianca Chapman.

2’s MWF: Ashley Campbell & Buffy Stutz

2’s T/Th: Pia Chirinos & Buffy Stutz

3’s: Chela Bodden, Bianca Chapman, & Sara Robb

3’s: Sarah Jacobs, Katie Keach, & Sara Robb

4’s: Allison Nadelhaft & Kate Spigler

4’s: Alana Kravitz & Kathleen Ficco


4CCN has enrolled in a payment option through QuickBooks.

Each month, you will receive an invoice with an option of paying via bank transfer. You many also schedule payments with your bank to arrive by tuition due date or drop off a check. Tuition invoices are sent to emails on file on the 25th of each month (August – April). Payments are due by the 5th of the following month.

A $25.00/week late fee will be assessed for late payments.


We are so excited for our new Stay and Play program. The children enrolled are having a wonderful time playing with friends after school. Please remember that the playground must be cleared by 2 PM for our Stay and Play children. If you are interested in learning more about Stay and Play please drop into the office or email Jodi.


In the month of September, we will serve graham crackers and apple juice for the entire month. In October we will rotate snacks each week. Snack menus will be posted in the newsletter each month. If your son/daughter has an allergy, please make sure it is noted in your child’s health inventory and on their emergency form. You can also send Jodi an email.


We are fortunate to have a very large parking lot. You can enter the lot from two locations, one from University Blvd and a rear entrance from Eastwood Ave. There are other tenants who use the building and parking lot. Hold your children’s hands when walking through the parking lot. Never leave children unattended in your car while you drop off siblings. For the safety of all families and children, the first 4 parking spaces by the front door will be blocked. This includes parking in front of the playground. Cars backing up while families are entering and exiting is too dangerous. Please do not park on the outside of the yellow lines. We have many families entering and exiting, and blocking the traffic flow makes for a very dangerous parking lot.

The playground must be cleared by 2 PM for our Stay and Play children.

4CCN Substitutes

We are always looking for substitutes to fill in when a staff member needs a day off. If you are interested in substituting, please contact Jodi Siff for more information:

Scholastic Volunteer Needed

We are still looking for a volunteer to handle our Scholastic Book orders. This is a great way to help at 4CCN and help build our classroom libraries. Please email Jodi if you are interested in taking on this position. Last years chair will show you how the job works.

Email Communications

Some communication regarding upcoming events, emergency closings and general 4CCN happenings is made via email. If you have not been receiving emails regarding Open House and the start of school or you would like to be added to the list, please send me an email at