October 2023 Newsletter

October 2023 Newsletter

October Dates:

Monday, October 9 – No School

Monday, October 23-Friday, October 27 – Fall Consignment Sale


October Snacks:

We will be serving these delicious snacks in the month of October:

Saltines & cheese slices, Ritz crackers & peanut butter (or cheese), Rice Chex & dried fruit, Goldfish & juice, and ginger snaps & applesauce.



Welcome Back to 4CCN to these 4CCN alumni!

The DMV has a reputation for being a very transient area. Take a closer look at our small community here at 4 Corners Community Nursery!


4CCN alumni are coming back to where their structured education began.

4CCN staff Katie Keach & Amelia Temenak both attended 4CCN and are now on staff. Katie working on MWFs in a 3s class and Amelia in 2s class on Tuesdays and Thursdays.


David Chapman, Kelly Barnard & Zack Burger both attended 4CCN (in the original building) and now their children are in our 3s classes.


We also have four grandchildren in attendance from former staff members.

If I have missed anyone, please let me know.

Stop by the office, we may have you picture in our photo library.


Many of our staff members started their journey here with enrolling their children and joined the staff.

Ashley Campbell, Rachael Wetter, Sarah Jacobs, Katie Keach, Carla Temenak, Sara Robb, Alana Kravitz, Allison Nadelhaft, Kate Spigler & Susie Ostermeyer.


So, next time someone says we live in a very transient area, think about our little community and over 30+ years, so many have not gone far at all.


Halloween Celebrations:

Please check your classroom newsletters/emails for more information about your child’s classroom activities.




From our Co-Chairs

The Fall Consignment Sale is quickly approaching! This year's fall sale will be held the week of October 23, 2023. We will have a huge selection of season specific children's clothing (NB-12), plus toys, books, games, baby gear, costumes, and maternity clothes and more for sale. 


In addition to shopping the sale, you are also welcome to consign at the sale. This is a great opportunity to clean out your closets and support the school at the same time! If you are interested in consigning, you will need a consignor code. Codes are $5 each.  Please come to the office to pay for your code and pick up tags, information packet and pricing guide.


If you have any items you would like to donate to the sale and give the school 100% of the proceeds (instead of the 50/50 split for the consignor and the school), you can pick up some green tags in the office and label them with code A1. Only donate items that you do not want returned to you.


Please mark your calendars with the following important dates for consignors, shoppers, and parent volunteers: 


Consignor Drop Off Times 

Monday, October 23, 9:30 AM - 1:00 PM and 7:00 - 9:00 PM

Tuesday, October 24, 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM


Sale Dates

Tuesday, October 24, 7:00 - 9:00 PM

Wednesday, October 25, 9:30 AM - 1:00 PM and 7:00 - 9:00 PM

Thursday, October 26, 9:30 AM - 1:00 PM and 7:00 - 9:00 PM

(Thursday is half price day!)


As you know, an event of this size can only be successful with the help of many hands. Please help us make the most of this sale, our one and only fundraising event at 4CCN, by signing up for and completing your required volunteer shift(s). If you have not received an email with a link to the Sign-Up website, please contact our chairwomen, Brittany Hammond and Sara Robb, via email at consign4ccn@gmail.com


Do not forget, everyone who has signed up for their volunteer hours will be able to shop at the pre-sale on Tuesday, October 24 from 5:30pm-6:30pm!


The sale is located on the lower level of Luther Rice Memorial Baptist Church in the Social Hall. Both consigning and purchasing are open to the community, so please share this information with your friends and family. 



Visit from Pediatric Dentist

October is Dental Health Month

Everyone loves a clean mouth, right? And we think keeping that mouth of yours clean on the regular is worth celebrating. In fact, we think it’s worth celebrating not just for a day, but for an entire month; hence, the recognition of the month of October as National Dental Hygiene Month. This month is dedicated to promoting healthy mouths all across the country, and celebrating the hard work your favorite dental hygienist does to keep your pearly whites squeaky clean.

Silver Spring Pediatric Dentistry will visit 4CCN on October 13 & November 2 to teach our children the importance of their oral health. During our visit they will read a book about preventing cavities, and the importance of brushing and flossing, demonstrate how to properly brush and floss and play a short game.



Emergency Preparedness Plans for 4CCN

4 Corners Community Nursery’s philosophy is to always keep your child(ren) safe when he/she is in our care.  We have developed an emergency plan that will be put into place if special circumstances require a different type of care.  Plans for these special types of care are reviewed annually.  The 4CCN staff is trained in the appropriate response and local emergency management is aware of these plans. The specific type of emergency will guide where and what special care will be provided.


·         Shelter at the site – This plan would be put into place in the event of weather emergency or unsafe outside conditions or threats. In this plan, children will be cared for indoors with secured and locked doors.  Parents will be notified if they need to pick up their child before regular time.


·         Evacuation to another site – This plan would be put into place in the event that is not safe for the children to remain at 4CCN.  In this situation, staff has predetermined alternate sites for care.  The choice of the site is determined by the specific emergency and what would be an appropriate site.


·         Method to contact parents – In the event of an emergency, parent will be called, a note will be placed on the door, and radio/TV stations will be alerted to provide more specific information.  You can also check for information on our website www.4ccn.org. Depending on the distance from the center, the children will walk if feasible or be transported to the alternate site.


·         Emergency ends/reuniting with children – When the emergency ends, parents will be informed and reunited with their children as soon as possible.  The contact methods listed above will be used to inform parents.


The purpose for sharing this information with you is not to cause worry, but to reassure you that we are prepared to handle all types of emergencies in a way that will ensure the safety of your child(ren).  In the event of an actual emergency, please do not call 4CCN – it will be important to keep the lines open. If you have questions regarding this information, talk with the director or your child’s teacher.



Former 4CCN Parent Offers Therapy

Is your child showing signs of anxiety: Excessive worry? Constant checking? Fear of separation? Heightened attention to every physical symptom?

Have you, now as a parent or in your past, managed anxiety? Do you wonder how your experiences of anxiety impact your parenting and your ability to enjoy the moment? 

Psychotherapy can help alleviate anxiety symptoms while also helping you strengthen your sense of self and life satisfaction. As a licensed psychotherapist, I offer short- and longer-term therapies including SPACE (Supportive Parenting for Anxious Childhood Emotions), ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy), as well as mind-body methods to help you and your child create lives full of the things that matters to you all.  

Appointments are available in-person in Kensington or via telehealth for clients located anywhere in Maryland.  To learn more, visit or call:


Ashley Thorndike, LGPC, C-SLDI

Ashley is  former 4CCN parent



Small Space Education & Therapy is owned and operated by Ashley Thorndike, LGPC, C-SLDI and offers psychotherapy, dyslexia intervention, and holistic Pilates. Ashley's practice is supervised by Ronnie Biemans, LCPC, a Maryland board-approved counseling supervisor. Ashley Thorndike, LGPC is an out of network provider but psychotherapy may be covered in part by your insurance via reimbursement.