November 2023 Newsletter

November 2023 Newsletter


November Calendar

Wednesday, November 1 – No School

Wednesday, November 22- Friday, November 24 – Thanksgiving Break


December Dates:

Monday, December 25 – Tuesday, January 2, 2024 – Winter Break


November Snacks:

This month we will be enjoying Ritz Crackers & peanut butter or cheese, animal crackers and apple juice, oatmeal cookies and yogurt and Saltine crackers and cheese slices.



Dressing for Cold Weather

As the cold weather approaches in November, please remember to dress your child for outdoor play.  We will continue to go outside to play in the winter months.


Please send your children to school with hats, mittens, warm coats, etc. Make sure every piece is labeled with your child’s name.  It is also important your child wears appropriate shoes to school. Please send your children to school with sturdy, close-toed shoes.



4CCN Tours & Registration

Late fall (end November, early December) 4CCN will begin scheduling tours for the 2024-2025 school year.

Registration for in-house families will begin in early January 2024.

Registration for alumni family, January 24, 2024

Registration for the community, February 1, 2024

More information about registration will follow in the coming weeks.

Word of mouth is our best form of advertising. Please help spread the word about 4CCN to your friends and family!


Consignment Sale


The 4CCN Fall Consignment Sale was a huge success! A special thank you to all the families who helped with this year’s sale. We appreciate all your dedication, hard work, and volunteer efforts. Sharing flyers, photos, and posts with friends, family, and neighbors was a huge help in gaining more customers and consigners.


Also, special thanks to Donna Rinaldo who did the accounting for the sale, assisted in introducing credit card processing for purchasing, and helped keep our sales floor organized. The money raised for the sale funds important school items such as our beautiful playground equipment and maintenance, in- house field trips, and classroom equipment. 

Many of the remaining items that did not sell were donated to different amazing local organizations and served a variety of needs. What a great feeling for all of us to come together as a school community to make such a large event occur that ultimately benefits all our children as well as our greater community.

Our Spring sale is scheduled for the week of March 11 - 15, 2024. We are hoping to build off the success of this sale in the spring! It never hurts to get started tagging early, so if you just consigned with us, let us know if you want to keep your code.




Thanksgiving Holiday

We will be closed on Wednesday, November 22 thru Friday, November 24 for the Thanksgiving holiday. Have a wonderful holiday. Safe travels to those of you who are heading out of town. We will be back open on Monday, November 27th!




We Can Be Thankful


They are in their tender years of life, our infants, toddlers, and preschoolers. As parents we can sometimes be overwhelmed by the daily traumas, bored with mundane routines. But let us remember all that we must be thankful for.


We can be thankful that a healthy toddler can live on three peas and a cracker on one of “those” days.

We can be thankful that neighborhood teenagers continue to assume the role of responsible caregivers on Saturday nights.

We can be thankful that we can see the wonders of the world through “young again” eyes.

We can be thankful that disposable diapers come in large toddler sizes for the reluctant potty trainer.

We can be thankful that by the time they board the kindergarten bus, children will be able to skillfully use spoons and forks.

We can be thankful that little noses stop running by April.

We can be thankful that small, whining voices often spontaneously break into song.

We can be thankful that lack of sleep is rarely fatal.

We can be thankful that there are rocking chairs.

We can be thankful that if we perceive them as lovable and capable, they will perceive themselves as lovable and capable too.

We can be thankful that parenting is an equal opportunity profession and that nurturing skills are neither innate or gender specific.

We can be thankful that the terrible/terrific twos prepare us for adolescence.

We can be thankful that nature has provided so well for the survival of the human infant by giving each a face that his/her parents will love.

We can be thankful, most of all, that we have them to be thankful for.