What's Going On Inside a Toddlers Brain?
As the parent of a toddler, your big adult mind is always trying to make sense of what’s going through their tiny kid one. “Why are you flopping on the ground?” “Why are you biting me for no particular reason?” “Why are you peeing yourself while maintaining eye contact?” The biggest issue is that you don’t know what they’re thinking, and they can’t tell you yet. But science can.
Dr. Dean Burnett, a neuroscientist (and author of the Idiot Brain, and Guardian columnist who moonlights as a stand-up comic), says that the early days of brain development are fascinating because all of the connections needed throughout life are forming and coming together. Dr. Burnett is also father to a 4-year-old son and a one-year-old daughter, so this is basically applied science. Here’s why your kid’s still-forming gray matter makes their behavior anything but black and white.
Your Kid Is Dory From Finding Nemo
Adults have mental models based on experience and the memory of how things should work. These are schemas to organize situations. Young children don’t. “Everything for toddlers is new and exciting; they don’t have a wealth of experience on how to judge things,” says Dr. Burnett. In fact, kids younger than 7 are basically hardwired to not store many memories. Since they’re not Arnold Schwarzenegger, you can’t assume a child will have total, or even partial, recall.
Repetition Vs. Comprehension
The brain doesn’t grow in the exact same way as the rest of the body. A kid can master crawling through repetition, but that doesn’t mean they will grasp the concept of why they need to put on shoes. What toddlers do understand is that when something is different than the day before, it sets them off. “All the connections in their brains aren’t made yet,” says Dr. Burnett. “When their expectations aren’t met, toddlers have lost control. They don’t know how to react, so they get distressed and sound the alarm bells because you’ve given them a red sippy cup instead of the green one.” (To be fair, that red sippy cup is superior.)
Small Brains Work Twice As Hard
“There’s actually a lot more connections in a child’s brain than in adult one,” says Dr. Burnett. “It isn’t until adolescence that the process of pruning begins, whereby the brain starts losing memories that aren’t ever activated to be more efficient.” Yes, your toddler is processing too much, not too little, which should blow both your minds. Conversely, teens are doing a ton of pruning, which is why they’re always sleeping instead of mowing the lawn.
It’s All Fight Or Flight
There’s a safety detection system that resides deep within the brain, right around the hippocampus, which triggers the “fight or flight” response to high-stress situations. Some of the potentially-lethal things to avoid are part of the evolutionary process (spiders, snakes), while others are learned human behaviors (roller coasters, Phish concerts). A young child’s brain doesn’t recognize the difference. What’s benign to grown-ups isn’t necessarily to toddlers. “They don’t know when a thing is harmless, they just know it’s unfamiliar, which can set them off,” says Dr. Burnett.
The Evolution Of Screaming
Your toddler’s freak-out over anything (everything?) is to be expected. It’s a form of self-preservation. “From an evolutionary standpoint, part of the reason a child cries and throws a tantrum is to get the most possible attention from an adult within a group or community,” says Dr. Burnett. Flailing and wailing can both scare off predators and call an adult, which makes screaming fits a biological imperative. You can share this exciting scientific discovery the next time you bring your kid on a plane.
They’re Not Tasting Broccoli The Same Way
We all want to teach our kids to be good eaters. But, there’s a cerebral reason children prefer birthday cake over, say, broccoli cake. “Toddlers have different taste sensations, foods can be more vivid for them, so spinach and broccoli may be more bitter or sharp, says Dr. Burnett. “As opposed to ice cream, which is full of sugar. The brain likes it because it’s high energy, so treats will be sought out.” Well, if nature says you should eat this doughnut …
Doomed to Repeat the Past, Only Louder
You thought that, as kids move out of the toddler years, things get more mature. Wrong. As their brains form more permanent memories, kids can be even harder to handle. “At, say 5 years old, children have a base level of understanding, which can make crying fits worse because they have a sense of how things should go,” says Burnett. Tantrums may be infrequent, but they can be doozies because kids, like adults, have to work through their anger. It’s the difference between a toddler melting down for a minute before being distracted by a shiny object, versus a kindergartener’s entire world collapsing when you turn off Doc McStuffins.
The Good Will Hunting Takeaway
A toddler’s head is a complex place. But think about how chaotic your fully-formed brain can be — and you’ve had 30 to 40 years operating it. Dr. Burnett says parents should always remember, it’s not their fault. “They don’t mean it,” he says. “They don’t want to keep you up all night, ruin your schedule, or make your life actively harder.” Or maybe science just hasn’t discovered your kid’s long con, yet.
Playing Outside Seems to Help Kids' Vision
By Karla Zadnik and Don Mutti November 11
The ready availability of technology may make the children of today faster at configuring a new smartphone, but does all of that screen time affect the development of their eyes?
While conventional wisdom dictates that children should do less up-close viewing, sit farther from the television and perhaps even wear their eyeglasses less, we have found in recent studies that another factor may be at play: Kids need to go outside and, if not play, at least get some general exposure to outdoor light.
To our surprise, more time outdoors had a protective effect and reduced the chances that a child would go on to need myopic refractive correction. The size of the effect was impressive.
What causes nearsightedness?
Myopia, or nearsightedness, is a condition in which you can’t see far away but can see up close without glasses or contact lenses. It typically starts during the early elementary-school years. Because kids don’t know how other kids see, they often think their blurry vision is normal, so regular eye examinations are important.
With myopia, the eye is growing, but growing too long for distant rays of light to focus accurately on the back of the eye. A blurry image results.
For children, eyeglasses or contact lenses move the focus back to the retina, and a clear image is formed. The too-long eye cannot be shrunk, so refractive correction is then a lifelong necessity. In adulthood, surgery is an option.
But kids don’t always like wearing glasses, sometimes with good reason. It is harder to play sports in them. Swimming is nearly impossible, and kids tend to lose or break them.
Myopia on the rise
A worldwide epidemic of nearsightedness has been reported, associated with a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Besides creating the need to wear eyeglasses or contact lenses or to seek a surgical remedy, myopia can result in blinding eye diseases late in life, including retinal detachment or degeneration.
Risk factors include having myopic parents. A debate about the influence of reading and other close work has flourished for more than a century.
The bad actor in the environment was always assumed to be near work, such as reading, sewing and now computer, video game and smartphone usage. That theory makes so much intuitive sense. The eye in childhood is naturally growing longer, even in normally sighted children. In a child developing myopia, the eye grows to focus on the frequently observed, near-viewing field.
No less than Johannes Kepler, the astronomer and inventor who refined glass lenses for eyeglasses, was convinced that his poring over astronomical charts and calculations in the late 1500s was responsible for his nearsightedness. Kepler had it right when it came to the orbit of planets, but he was wrong about how the environment influences prescriptions for eyeglasses. The latest evidence says that near work is not to blame for nearsightedness.
We studied this question for over 20 years in 4,979 children as part of the Collaborative Longitudinal Evaluation of Ethnicity and Refractive Error (CLEERE) Study, funded by the National Eye Institute, in order to put near work, computer use and watching television in their proper place: essential for study and recreation but not an important factor in whether a child will need glasses.
Impressive differences
If a child has two nearsighted parents, the hereditary genetic effects increase the child’s chances of needing glasses to about 60 percent if time spent outdoors is low.
More time outdoors, about 14 hours per week, can nearly neutralize that genetic risk, lowering the chances of needing glasses to about 20 percent, the same chance as a child with no nearsighted parents claims.
A survey of papers from around the world, including Australia, England and Singapore, in the past decade align almost perfectly with what we published in 2007 from the Orinda Longitudinal Study of Myopia.
Parents may ask: What about children who already wear glasses? Does more time outside help already nearsighted children?
Unfortunately, we and others have found that time outdoors has little to no effect on how prescriptions change over time in children who are already nearsighted, although more study of this is ongoing.
Enlightening theories
So what’s so good about being outdoors for a child without glasses? There are several theories.
One is that children may exercise more when they are out of doors and that exercise is somehow protective. Another is that more ultraviolet B radiation from the sun makes for more circulating vitamin D, which somehow prevents abnormal childhood eye growth and myopia onset. Yet another is that light itself slows abnormal myopic eye growth and that outdoors light is simply brighter.
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The dominant theory is that the brighter light outside stimulates a release of dopamine from specialized cells in the retina. Dopamine then initiates a molecular signaling cascade that ends with slower, normal growth of the eye, which means no myopia.
Evidence from our work and from animal models of myopia indicate it’s the actual light exposure, not just a decrease in the time spent reading because children are outdoors, that may work the magic.
There’s clearly much more to learn, but before you send your children out to run around the block, remind them to put on sunscreen and to wear sunglasses. Even as time outdoors might prevent the development of nearsightedness, parents will want to ensure they aren’t creating other skin and eye problems from ultraviolet light exposure.
Read more
Blue light from electronics disturbs sleep, especially for teenagers
Teens are sleep-deprived. Here’s how that affects sports, school, health.
Decoding the mysteries of a child’s developing brain
Zadnik is the dean of the College of Optometry at Ohio State University. Mutti is a professor of optometry there. This article was originally published on
What A Little Nature can Nurture in Little Ones
I found this articles very interesting about getting children out in nature & playing in dirt.Hope you find it interesting as well.
Children's Health and Summer time Bugs
Child Care Health Consultation
There Ain't No Bugs on Me!... It's such a cute song, but the reality of summer bug season is not. (Get the whole song here). Bugs can be just an annoying presence that cause fear, itchy, red, swollen bites, transmit disease, eat clothes and precious garden gifts, and some of them just plain stink! Easy tips to handle these situations can be found in Caring for Children,, and Here are a few highlights for preventing mosquito and tick bites, removing ticks (yes, we need to remove them), and how to use insect repellent.
First, use an integrated pest management strategy to reduce the presence of mosquitoes:
- Windows and doors should be covered with intact screens
- Avoid the outdoors at dusk when mosquitoes are most active
- Long sleeves, long pants, and socks worn outdoors decreases available places for an attack
- Consider an outdoor fan kept out of children's reach
- Remove standing water (mosquitoes only need a tiny amount of water to reproduce)
For ticks:
- Remove dead leaves from yard and keep grass short (this keeps the mosquito population down too!)
- Restrict tick migration from wooded areas to the yard by installing a wood chip or gravel barrier
- Keep play areas away from yard edges and trees
- Light colored long sleeves, pants, and socks tucked into pants are recommended
- Check for ticks when returning indoors
It is important to remove ticks as soon as possible to prevent transmission of disease.
- Clean the area around the tick with soap and water or an antiseptic
- Use tweezers or a gloved hand and grasp the tick as close to the skin as possible, pull slowly and steadily upwards until the tick releases. Do not use twisting, jerking, or rocking movements
- Do not use sharp tweezers, or grasp too tightly. Avoid aggravating the tick which may cause it to burrow deeper.
- Wash the skin, your hands and the tweezers afterward.
Instruct parents to call their health care provider if:
- The tick has been on the skin for more than 24 hours
- Part of the tick remains in the skin after removal
- A rash of any kind develops
- The site of the bite looks infected (redness, swelling, pain, warmth, puss)
- Symptoms such as fever, tiredness, headache, stiff neck or back, muscle/joint aches
- for more info click here
If using an insect repellent COMAR requires parental consent be obtained, and the first application must be done at home to avoid a surprise adverse reaction. Please share A parents guide to insect repellent.
- Follow manufacturer's instructions on the label. Be sure the label contains and EPA registration number and is approved for use on children in child's age range.
- Avoid Aerosol sprays. Use a pump spray and do not apply directly to skin. Spray on adult applicator's hand the wipe onto child's skin. Wash hands afterward.
- Do not apply under clothing.
- Apply only once, and notify parents of application because the treated skin should be washed with soap and water.
- For more info on insect repellent, click here.
- To read more about the use of DEET click here.